ClockOn™ Logo For PalmOS Compatible Devices

Compatibility Requirements

Program Registration Information

Send Feedback About ClockOn to Tranzoa
Version History

Order Your License to ClockOn

Download ClockOn

      Clock Screen



Also from Tranzoa:

OnlyMe: Secure access control.





ClockOn™ automatically displays a clock/calender whenever your PalmOS® device is turned on.



Follow these numbered steps:

  1. Install ClockOn.prc using the Palm Install Tool program. Then HotSync® your device.

    Note: If ClockOn is contained in a ZIP file, then, using WinZip on a PC, you can open the ClockOn ZIP file and double-click ClockOn.prc to install ClockOn on to your device.

  2. Tap the silk screened house/Applications/Launcher image house button to run ClockOn.

    ClockOn's main screen looks like this:

    Main Screen

  3. Check the "Enable ClockOn" checkbox.

  4. ClockOn displays a clock/calender each time your turn on your device.


Operating ClockOn


You may adjust the length of time that ClockOn displays its clock when you turn on your device.


For devices containing a backlight: ClockOn turns on the backlight for the given number of seconds.

Time Zone

A time zone selection setting is used to make the moon phase display accurate. ClockOn allows you to set your time zone if the operating system version on your device does not allow a Preferences time zone selection setting.

Language Choice

ClockOn can be displayed in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish Lanuguage Choice.
French Clock German Clock Italian Clock Spanish Clock

Desk Clock

When ClockOn displays its clock/calender, you may tap the "ClockOn" title bar name to keep the display on-screen until you tap the screen elsewhere or push a button.

If OnlyMe is installed and enabled, then tap the OnlyMe
      Time/Date at the top of the screen to display ClockOn as a desk clock.


Removing ClockOn From Your Device

Before you remove (or re-install) ClockOn™ from your device you must disable it by un-checking the "Enable ClockOn" checkbox on ClockOn's main screen.

What do I do if ClockOn will not disable itself?

Warm reset your device.


ClockOn Registration

For the low, low price of $9.95 you can license ClockOn. The trial version of ClockOn operates for 120 uses. The registered version of ClockOn has no run restrictions and does not "nag" you.

After you pay for your license through on on-line site, you will receive an email containing a web link to click to obtain a registration KEY. Any time after you receive the email, tell the web page your device's ClockOn registration LOCK. Find the registration LOCK by tapping the Register button on the ClockOn main screen.

The LOCK is tied to your device's HotSync® name. If that name changes, then you must license another copy of ClockOn to obtain another KEY for the new LOCK.

Registration Pop-Up The web page will respond with a registration KEY - a number. Enter this KEY into ClockOn. A KEY that corresponds to the LOCK eliminates this ClockOn "nag" screen: Nag Pop-Up

If you have already registered ClockOn but have forgotten your KEY, then enter your email address below and we will email to you a web address through which to set and/or list your KEY(s).

Email address:  


Where to Purchase a License for ClockOn

Purchase ClockOn on line at

You may send a check, money order, or cash for $9.95 (U.S.) to the address below. Be sure to include your email address so that the latest version can be emailed to you. Tranzoa will email a web site link for you to use to obtain a "registration KEY" for ClockOn. Tranzoa also emails upgrade notifications to you.

Tranzoa, Co.
P.O. Box 911
Maple Valley, WA 98038 U.S.A

A note about cash: several Europeans, an Australian, and a few Americans and Canadians have sent Tranzoa $10 bills for ClockOn and other programs. To date (July 4, 2002), no one has contacted Tranzoa indicating that they have sent cash, but have not received their ordered product.

If you have not already done so, you may download the latest version of ClockOn.



  • How accurate is the moon phase display? ClockOn's moon phase display Moon Phases is "iconigraphic". Changeing, roughly, once a day. ClockOn internally tracks the moon phase to within a few minutes. Future versions of ClockOn may contain a display to reflect the internal knowledge.

    Here and here, smaller, are beautiful sequences of moon pictures.

  • Why is there a short delay before the backlight comes on? In case the backlight makes it harder to read the display, ClockOn shows the clock for a brief moment without the backlight.

    ClockOn does not turn on the backlight if you set the backlight duration to zero seconds.


    Deutsche Version

    ClockOn wurde von Jens Herrmann ( ins deutsche übersetzt.
    Übersetzt wurden alle Menüs, Informationen und Anleitungen in ClockOn.

    Für deutschsprachigen Support steht Ihnen die eMail-Adresse zur Verfügung.

    The German translation of ClockOn has been done through the very kind efforts of Jens Herrmann - Jens' web page is at


    Current Version

    Version 1.06 : November 9, 2003 Release

    Don't warn for OS versions up through OSv5.3.
    Let OnlyMe (v5.06+) call us directly as a plugin under OSv5.

    Version 1.05 : October 15, 2002 Release

    Try not to require the KEY to be re-entered when this version is replaced.
    Make the non-English weeks start on Monday.

    Version 1.04 : May 1, 2002

    120 Uses for trial version.
    More aggressive repainting when screen goes out of our control.

    Version 1.03 : February 18, 2002 Release

    Clean up docs and package.

    Version 1.02 : January 29, 2002

    Work around MemSemaphore bug in PalmOS v3.5.

    Version 1.01 : January 19, 2002

    Use these words and mechanism: registration LOCK and KEY.
    Show the clock in the selected language.

    Version 1.00 : January 7, 2002




    ClockOn runs under PalmOS® version 3.5 and newer.

        Synergy Solutions     The ClockOn author runs and recommends the add-on launcher/Applications program: Launch 'Em from Synergy Solutions.


    Conflicts and Side Effects

    If you use AfterBurner, CruiseControl, ClockupDA or a similar program to "overclock" your device's CPU, please do not contact Tranzoa about any troubles with ClockOn or with your device. ClockOn runs on Palm compatible devices. Unfortunately, you may no longer have such a device. Please explain this!

    ClockOn may not display properly when the device is currently running certain games and image viewing programs. Such programs change the screen display for maximum resolution and/or speed. Often, these changes are done outside the normal PalmOS® API functions.

    If both OnlyMe and ClockOn are installed and enabled, and if OnlyMe determines that the device may be turned on without a password (i.e. the OnlyMe "Lock Delay" has not expired), then ClockOn's clock/calender will be displayed for an extremely brief period, no matter what the ClockOn settings.



    ClockOn uses a "registration LOCK/KEY" scheme to distinguish between customers who have registered (paid for) the program from those who have not.

    To encourage you to register, ClockOn "nags" you. That is, ClockOn occasionally delays device turn-on and displays a pop-up window that asks that you register the program. Also, the unregistered, trial version of ClockOn operates for 120 uses, only.

    Tranzoa truly wishes that "registration LOCK/KEYs" were not needed. Unfortunately, our experience is that the world is not filled with the Canadians, U.S. lawyers, and residents of Hong Kong - whom we have found to be good and honest about licensing software for each person in their group.

    Trying ClockOn

    You may use ClockOn without paying Tranzoa, Co. or any agent of Tranzoa, Co. You may not disable the "nag" pop-up. You may freely copy or transfer ClockOn to anyone.

    Your Registered ClockOn

    You may use each registered copy of ClockOn on one and only one PalmOS® compatible device at any one time. Registration is tied to your (HotSync®) name. Each ClockOn license is valid for one and only one registration (HotSync®) name.

    You may not rent or lease ClockOn.


    Tranzoa, Co. warrants that it is sole owner of the software and has full power and authority to grant this license without consent of any other party.

    Tranzoa, Co. hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Tranzoa, Co. will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Tranzoa, Co. or an agent of Tranzoa, Co. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Tranzoa, Co.'s liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software.

    This agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Any action or proceeding brought by either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement shall be brought only in a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction located in King County, Washington. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts.

    You may not decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on ClockOn for any purpose other than creating an adaptation of ClockOn for your own, personal use. You acknowledge Tranzoa's claim that ClockOn embodies valuable trade secrets proprietary to Tranzoa. You may not disclose any information regarding the internal operations of ClockOn to others.

    About ZIP Files

    ClockOn is normally packaged into a ZIP file, which is a single file containing a number of files. Putting many files into a single ZIP file has these advantages:

    1. There is only one file to transfer.
    2. ZIP files contain checks to ensure that the data in the files is not accidentally corrupted.
    3. Many communications programs know about ZIP files and make sure to send and receive them without conversions that may corrupt the data.
    4. Data in a ZIP file is compressed so that it takes less room and can be sent between machines more quickly.
    5. ZIP file tools are available for almost all existing computers and operating systems.

    On a PC, you may use WinZIP to manage ZIP files.

    The ClockOn program is a file named "ClockOn.prc" that is contained in the ClockOn ZIP file.

    ClockOn.prc is the file that you install on to your Palm compatible device.

    This web page, clockon.htm, and its associated graphics files are also contained in the ClockOn ZIP file.

    Tranzoa, Co.
    P.O. Box 911
    Maple Valley, WA 98038 U.S.A
    +1 (425) 432-3532

    clockon.htm :
    Last modified November 9, 2003